Vraag het paswoord en info over films aan bij Brecht van Elslande (brecht.vanelslande@hogent.be)

For passwords or Information on films and filmmakers contact Brecht van Elslande (brecht.vanelslande@hogent.be)

Krakeel, Mattijs Driesen (2017)

master graduation 2017 film

In the Brussels Krakeel quarter, massive council blocks undergo gradual renovation. Soufian and Yasin are hanging out in their distracted neighbourhood, until they leave the frame and return home. The film functions as a formal exposition of a place in transformation, and documents two youngsters reflecting on their life in a city and in an enormous world.

20 min., French spoken, English subtitles


With Soufian Elaachouche, Mohammed Yasin El Mehssani

Camera and editing: Mattijs Driesen
Sound recording: Ben De Raes, Chloë Delanghe, David Slotema, Mathijs Poppe, Nina De Vroome, Quinten Wyns
Sound editing: Achiel Van den Abeele, Raf Enckels
Mixage: Raf Enckels
Grading: Lennert de Taeye
Title design: Dylan Van Elewyck